
Five very brief videos of fantasy characters playing Cubicle and Careers. Eek. Funny, yet profound in how little passion or purpose there is. Poor fantasy characters just want a quest with meaning and a chance to use their magical gifts. Wait. That’s kind of like us mortals.

I have not been to this blog for a very long time. Very long. Thank you, person, who actually subscribed today. Got me here checking in, perusing through the posts, and I must say, I like my bad ass attitude that sort of hints its way into some of the posts.

My regular blog places are different. I’m gentler, more compassionate, and less likely to say ‘get the f*ck out of the cubicle’ if it’s not where you want to be.

Truth is, my life has been insane the last several years. Serious illness, extreme difficult times, an outsider looking in wouldn’t want my life for a second, yet somehow the ‘outsiders’ all support me and say I’m inspiring. I’m grateful for that.

So, if you are an unhappy cubicle dweller reading this… if you knew my life story, you might just think “I’d better stay in the cubicle. At least if anything goes wrong, I’ll have sick pay.” But here’s the thing. If I’d stayed in the corporate world, I would have not had to use every last penny and more to get through a serious illness. If I’d stayed in the corporate world, though, I would have missed discovering what I am capable of, and I would have missed winning an award for innovation in building creative communities, or gathering a world of people around me who are kindred, creative, eclectic, fascinating, curious.. and who shocked me by how much they have supported me through such difficult times. I would likely have missed training to be a tall ship sailor, which happened just last year, as a way to celebrate life after craziness. Worse, I would have been an incredibly broken worn out person if I’d stayed in the corporate world. It just wasn’t where I was meant to be.

And so, I have asked myself, “Now that all hell broke loose and you aren’t in a very good financial position at all and your world is not exactly stable, do you wish you hadn’t left the corporate cubicle?” The answer is always a resounding NO. I do NOT wish I hadn’t left the corporate world.

In my case, one of the ‘worst case scenario’ situations happened to me. Yet, I’m here. I’m happy. I know I will be okay, even if I don’t necessarily know how… because I made it through tough stuff. A whole world of people helped me, which I could not have guessed would happen. Seems to me it’s impossible to know the future or what might happen if things go wrong. We can stay in a place that feels safe, but be unhappy; or we can make changes and have some faith that we’ll be okay, and be happy.

So, dear cubicle dweller if you want to make changes, here’s some options for you to consider:

1. Is there a way you can make the cubicle dwelling job better? First response likely a no. Consider getting a life coach to help you really look at the whole picture… there may be things you aren’t seeing that a coach might see. For now, don’t instantly eliminate the possibility that where you are could become better. There was some good reason, or good skill or something that got you there in the first place. A little creative thinking might actually make where you are, where you want to be. Bizarre, huh?

2. What would you really love to be doing? If you aren’t sure, again get a coach (I am a coach.. this is why I know how incredibly life changing coaching can be) If you do know what you love, you could just take some small steps towards pursuing that dream. Small steps might be doing a little research. Or doing a little painting, or a little writing, or taking a wilderness training weekend… whatever it is that makes your eyes sparkle at the thought of it. Keep the job for now, but give yourself permission to start pursuing those other interests. Doing nothing won’t reveal what is going to be the answer for you. Do something.

3.Apply for other jobs that you would like. EVEN if you don’t feel qualified. What the hell… you’ve got nothing to lose. Maybe in the process of creating your resume to suit those jobs, you might discover you are way more qualified and talented than you’ve been giving yourself credit for.

4. Leap. Just say “F*ck it” and leap. What I often see is people so afraid of having not enough money, they fail to notice that they actually are quite well set. Between RRSP’s, employment income assistance, money tucked away, equity in homes, they often do have enough to take some time pursuing that dream. I know; Not everybody does. And leaping can be scary with nothing. So find a way to have a little something, then leap.

5. Go back to school if there’s something that interests you. Get a student loan. Oh well if you have to pay it back. You’ll figure it out. So much easier to figure things out if you are doing what makes you happier.

Finally, do you really want to be sitting at that desk at age 65 saying, “Wow, I’m so glad I spent 40 years of my life hating what I do?” I don’t think so. I think you are worth so much more than that. SO MUCH MORE.

If you do nothing else with this post please do this:

Repeat after me: “I am worth so much more than this!!”

If you are in your cubicle, you could say it really loud, all day long, and get yourself some stress leave.
That’d be a good time to play with things you love.

For every “I wonder why…” that you contemplate, see if you can come up with a bizarre and unusual answer.  Sure, also come up with the explanation that might be scientifically accurate.. like why is the sky blue according to science.. but THEN, to inspire your beautiful creative mind.. come up with another answer.. the bizarre, or fantastical, or anything that connects the seemingly disconnected.

It’s good for your creative thinking. And creative thinking? It’s the way to get answers from the soul.

Haiku by a cubicle dweller

In my cubicle I sit.

Envying the dead.

2 more hours to go.


Contributed by a friend, who heard from a friend, etc.

Sad. True.  Time to take responsibility and make changes. Everybody deserves more than this.

How I love Monday Mornings!

My monday mornings start with a hike with a group of friends – climbing, huffing, puffing, chatting. Today’s hike was in the foggy hills, it was exhilirating.  And a funny thing happened as we walked. We realized each of us used to hate Monday mornings.  We used to work 9-5 jobs.  Now we hike Monday mornings.  We all still work.. just differently.

Jealous?  Ya, I remember working and seeing women out for a run and wishing it were me.   Okay, maybe this post isn’t cheering you up. Sorry. But honestly, your life can be different.  And it will be!  (picture me enthusiastically cheering you on!) You, too, can hike on Monday mornings!

In the meantime, imagine it. Oh, and get a coach to get clear, create plans, and get going.   Mondays don’t have to suck anymore.  What’s your dream?

When all else fails…

ask yourself “how can I make this funny?”

No. Wait. I take that back.  Ask yourself this question before all else fails!

An article worthy of taking that extra click:  office bullying – it exists, and you may recognize it when you read the article. 


I really don’t watch TV much. But when I do, there are always digs on every show that has a cubicle, about hell in the cubicle.  Pretty much sets a standard to hate your cubicle.  Of course, they are playing to the general population who really don’t want to be in a cubicle all day.. but what if you actually liked showing up to your cubicle? What if you liked your work? What if your boss isn’t an idiot and your co-workers don’t have square eyes? What if no one is big brothering your email?   Do you still feel some sort of pressure to hate your cubicle?

I’m just curious. I don’t actually know anyone who likes their cubicle. But if you do, congrats. Add that to your list of what makes you special.  Haven’t made that list?  oh, goody, another thing all of you can do to while away the cubicle day AND trigger thoughts on how to get the hell out of the cubicle- well, except those of you who don’t want to leave.  Honestly, you ought to celebrate that.

And you can celebrate by buying christmas lights that are powered via USB. How cool is that?  I love Thinkgeek.   Just got the latest newsletter full of insanely creative goodies for cubicle dwellers and actually anybody who likes insanely creative goodies.  Link is on the left.  See? → → → → →. never mind, it’s refusing to show up there. And it’s not even an affiliate link that wordpress sometimes attacks!  so here it is: http:www.thinkgeek.com

It’s bad for you.  Well, no, actually it doesn’t even exist.   Read on, my friends.. learn how you can be more creative and efficient by not multi – tasking.

There’s more than a couple of possible benefits for you readers, 1. you get fired for refusing to multi-task.  2. your work environment actually changes and makes you happier.  3. you come up with a creative idea that will work to get you out of the cubicle and into your life.


Happy Tuesday. Uh huh.      

If you think Janet Whitehead is me the blog owner, you could be right, you could be wrong.  But if I were Janet Whitehead, I would refuse to take responsibilty for advising you to throw hard marshmallows at idiot coworkers and other such tips in this blog.  It’s so un-coach like.

And so I invite Janet Whitehead to introduce an exercise that can help you find your way out of the cubicle.

Hello, I’m Janet Whitehead – personal life coach with expertise in creative thinking. (Note from blog owner: ‘And we all know it could take some creative thinking to get you out of your hell hole.’)

 Try this activity. (Note from blog owner – ‘If big brother is watching you and asks what you are doing, you could answer “doing a creative technique to create the most efficient money making task list for the company. Sir!”)   (“Stop interrupting, blog owner!” says Janet)

Again, Try this activity:  You could probably google ‘101 tips for leaving your current job” and get all kinds of tips.  This is not what this is about. Someone else’s tips might give you some inspiration, but as a life coach, I know you are a creative resourceful being who already has the answers. I just help you find them.  This exercise is a stream of consciousness creative exercise.  It’s going to allow your right brain – which is full of brilliant ideas, but rarely speaks – to share some of its insights.  Really.

Get pen and paper.  Computer and new doc works too.  Heck, you can even do this in a comment at the end.

Number 1 – 101.  OR you can simply number each item as you go, but you must convince yourself that you are obligated to do 101 items. (NOTE: if you just got tired thinking about doing this… perk up, sunshine. You’re wanting to make changes – this is going to tell you what they can be. You’ve got answers. You deserve to find them.)

Now write 101 ways to leave your job.  That’s a lot. That’s going to make your logical left brain give up.  Your right creative imaginative brain is going to have to take over (as long as you insist to yourself that you will do 101 ideas.)  Give yourself some time… but do not write a few items, go for lunch, come back do a few more, leave again, etc.   This just isn’t that type of exercise.

When you get to #4 or thereabouts, and you are finding it hard to write more, you can be silly. As soon as it gets hard to come up with the next one, concoct ‘ridiculous’ ideas like  “Fine. I could just walk out right now and not come back.”   Or ‘silly’ ideas like “I can marry a rich man/woman’ or  ‘impossible’ ideas like  ‘get a grant for emerging writers and write a book’ or write silly non-idea stuff like “this is just stupid.”  or “Janet schmanet” or  … well, are you getting the picture?  The point is to keep writing.  And just watch what emerges. 

When all is written, you will have some new ideas of how to make changes in your life.  Even better, or if you are still not having an ‘aha’ or two, share the list with a trusted friend – one who supports you and is non-judgemental.  Sometimes a friend will ‘see’ clearly what you cannot see – right there in your list!

Honour yourself by choosing to take some small step  towards your future of not being in a cubicle suffering holiday re-entry syndrome while playacting that you are a good happy efficient employee.    Life is good. Live it.

contributed by Janet L. Whitehead.   Musings and Mud – The Coaching Studio.  www.musingsandmud.com

Thanks for stopping by, Janet!  Happy exploring, readers!